India-Africa Security 2024 Fellowship Programme For African Scholars

India-Africa Security 2024 Fellowship Programme For African Scholars

India-Africa Security 2024 Fellowship Programme For African Scholars

The India-Africa Security Fellowship Programme is calling for applications from African Fellows to engage with the research community in India.

The fellowship also aims to conduct research on subjects that can deepen our comprehension of security challenges in Africa or explore ways to strengthen security cooperation between India and Africa. It serves as an opportunity to boost our collective research capabilities in strategic matters.

The Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA) is a renowned research institution in India, specializing in defense and strategic studies. Named after the esteemed former Defense Minister, Manohar Parrikar, the institute is dedicated to in-depth research and analysis of contemporary security issues. MP-IDSA serves as a hub for scholars, policymakers, and experts, fostering a collaborative environment to address complex challenges in defense and strategic affairs. Through its rigorous research initiatives and educational programs, MP-IDSA contributes significantly to shaping national and international discourse on matters of defense and security.

SEE ALSO: Latest Fellowships

Fellowship Summary:

Fellowship Sponsor(s): MP-IDSA

Host Institution(s): MP-IDSA

Number of Awards: Several

Study Level: Undergraduate and Postgraduate

Duration: 3 months

Rewards: Full Sponsorship | Accommodation | Monthly Rs.50,000 Stipends | Flight Tickets

Nationality: All African Countries

Requirement and Eligibility Criteria for the India-Africa Security Fellowship Programme:

  • Scholars and researchers from reputed universities, think tanks, government officials, defence services officers and persons of eminence are welcome to apply.*

Application Proceduresfor the India-Africa Security Fellowship Programme (How to apply):

relevance to the fellowship’s objectives, its potential benefits to the hosting institute (MP-IDSA), the proposed timeframe, and the expected outcomes.

Additionally, a 500-word statement of purpose detailing how the scholar anticipates benefiting from the fellowship is required. Applicants should include an updated resume, two published papers as writing samples, and two letters of reference (either professional or academic).

Completed applications must be submitted by post or email at least three months before the intended start date of the fellowship to “The Director-General, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA),” at

Candidates accepted for the fellowship will need a research visa for its duration. If selected, MP-IDSA will provide a letter of affiliation to facilitate this process. To ensure a smooth experience, candidates may be advised to reach out to the Indian Embassy/High Commission/Consulate in their respective host countries for detailed information on the process and timeline.

Application Deadline: Not specified

For more information visit the official website

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