EUI 2024 Policy Leader Fellowship at Florence School of Transnational Governance

EUI 2024 Policy Leader Fellowship at Florence School of Transnational Governance

EUI 2024 Policy Leader Fellowship at Florence School of Transnational Governance

Florence School of Transnational Governance (STG) is welcoming applications from qualified candidates for the EUI 2024 Policy Leader Fellowship.

The 2024 Policy Leader Fellowship of the European University Institute (EUI) is a residential program for mid-career policy professionals from a range of policy fields: politics, civil service, media, non-governmental organizations and others

The fellows of the European University Institute (EUI) fellowship spend five or ten months at the STG developing policy recommendations and practical solutions for pressing issues affecting countries. In addition, the fellows attend professional skills trainings and can freely participate in the academic life and activities of the EUI to enhance their fellowship project

SEE ALSO: Latest Fellowships

Fellowship Summary:

Fellowship Sponsor(s): NEC – Institute for Advanced Study

Host Institution: NEC – Institute for Advanced Study in Bucharest, Romania

Number of Awards: Several

Study Level: Graduate (PhD)

Nationality: All Nationalities

Requirement and Eligibility Criteria for the EUI 2024 Policy Leader Fellowship:

  • Mid-career professionals able to demonstrate solid professional experience (minimum 10 years) and potential for future excellence in a given policy area; candidates with strictly academic profile typically will not be considered.
  • Self-motivated and driven, able to autonomously accomplish the activities presented under the fellowship work plan.
  • Open-minded and curious individuals willing to engage in peer discussions on topics which may go beyond their area of expertise.

Evaluation criteria:

  • Accomplishments and potential: Professional excellence is assessed on the basis of the candidate’s contributions to a given policy field based on the CV and any other supporting evidence of the application. Minimum Bachelor’s degree or equivalent is required.
  • Focus area: The candidate’s field of work should be broadly aligned with the STG’s focus areas or hosted initiatives and programmes. Other themes can be also considered but preference will be given to applicants that cover policy areas of the STG faculty and programmes.
  • Fellowship work plan: Applicants are assessed on the professional substance of their work plan as well as its feasibility, applicability in a transnational policy context and potential impact.
  • Motivation: Applicants should be able to articulate what difference the fellowship experience will make to their professional journey as well as what they can offer to the STG. Preference is given to applicants who can both contribute to the STG programmes and activities as well as benefit from their stay at the STG and the EUI.
  • Diversity: The programme strives for thematic and geographic diversity as well as gender balance among the fellows.

Benefits for the EUI 2024 Policy Leader Fellowship:

  • Residence
  • Grant
  • Family Allowance

SEE ALSO: New Europe College Fellowships 2024 Application

Application Procedures for the EUI 2024 Policy Leader Fellowship (How to apply):

Interested in apply for the European University Institute (EUI) Policy Leader Fellowship 2024, here are step by step process to follow

  • Applications have to be submitted through the online application portal. Paper or email applications will not be considered.
  • Register your application as soon as possible in order to give your referees sufficient time to submit the reference letters
  • Submit your application by the deadline
  • Once you have registered your application you may continue to work on the application details and attachments until the deadline. After submission, it will not be possible to update or modify your application

Application Deadline: January 25, 2024

For more information visit the official website

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